An internet stamping buddy, Jan Larson, found this stamp for me on E-Bay when I admired the one done by Francine Groulx . . . I basically used the Stampers Anonymous Staz On Technique . . . go to GALLERIES . . . scroll waaaaaaay down to TECHNIQUE STAZ ON INK . . . the stamp is by Tuscan Rose . . . I'm really having fun with the bright transparent colors!!! This hobby is TOO MUCH FUN!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Everybody! I am retired from being a second grade public school teacher . . . and although the kids made me laugh every day . . . now I get to aspire to my DREAM career . . .
an actress wanna be!!!!!!!!!!!
I also get to play with my mixed media goodies I've hoarded all these years!!
LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!