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Here's another piece with an acrylic paint background . . . the Laurel and Hardy image is a rubber stamp from Stampsmith . . . if you wish to see the owner's wonderful array of movie star stamps . . . please email her directly at . . . the writing is from Stampington . . . the verse is from Wordsworth . . . I am totally ADDICTED to these movie star stamps! My dear, departed mom used to purchase movie magazines called PHOTOPLAY and MODERN SCREEN . . . sheesh!!! Am I dating myself or WHAT?!?!?! LOL!!!!! Have fun!!!!!
I am so fortunate to be awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award from Marilyn . . . a very sweet person and a very talented artist . . . THANK YOU, Marilyn!!!!!!!
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog (and it's okay to brag).
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.1) I was a pretty good 4-Square player in elementary school . . . my friends used to call me . . . LITTLE DYNAMITE!!!! LOL!!!!2) I once took a Stand Up Comedy class and the final was a performance at a local comedy club . . . I giggled through the entire performance, I was SO embarrassed!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!!3) I read books and took classes on positive thinking while selling real estate in the '70's . . . I learned that the only thing in my life I could control was my thoughts . . .4) I think comedy and tragedy are closely related . . . Robin Williams is a gifted comedian AND a gifted dramatic actor.5) I respond positively to positive reinforcement.6) I am fortunate to have been the off-spring of simple, honest parents.7) I like Diet Vanilla Coke Zero . . .5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
6. Post links to the 7 blogs your nominate.7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs, letting them know they have been nominated. 1) Suze Weinberg2) Suzanne - Oxford Impressions3) Wendy Vecchi4) Sebenta5) Sandra Evertson6) Robin Beam7) Roben-Marie 8) Debi WindCONGRATULATIONS Kreativ Bloggers!!!!!
I'm loving playing with these acrylic paints especially since I took that workshop with Traci Bautista recently . . . her colors and whimsical technique is truly "freeing" . . . here are a couple of cards I made for my Persnickety group (one of my 49 Yahoo groups . . . not all active, of course!!! LOL!!!!!!)The first one has a Stampsmith image of Audrey Hepburn (my personal favorite!!!) . . . if you would like to see her FABULOUS stamp images of movie stars . . . be sure to email the owner at and she will email them to you . . . they are not on her website . . . I'm in LOVE with this image of a vintage car from the Tim Holtz Collection at Stampers Anonymous . . . I use it a LOT!!!!! LOL!!!!I painted onto a page of a vintage book page from a used book store . . . Audrey is actually stamped with Ranger Archival ink onto the sticky side of ordinary clear packing tape (from WalMart or any office supply store) . . . let dry . . . paint the back with acrylic paint such as Liquitex Unbleached Titanium (I mixed it with Portrait Pink for the flesh color) or Golden's Titanium Buff . . . let dry . . . adhere to background with Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish . . .
This kitty ATC has images from Magenta and the little silhouette kitties are from the now closed PSX Company . . . the kitty sticker is from Michael's.
These acrylic paints are TOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! LOL!!!
What a delight and honor when I found that Debi Wind had nominated me for the Honest Scrap Award! THANK YOU, Debi!!!!
Along with the award comes the follow task. I must list 10 things about myself and then pass it on to 7 others. 1. I am a short, chubby, old Asian broad with dyed hair!! LOL!!!2. I love kitties, but dh#2 won't let me have one! BUMMER!! LOL!3. I think that stampers/mixed media artists are the friendliest people!!!4. I started watching Maury Povich since MIL#2 moved in with us . . . have you watched this show? One lady (?) had twins, but only one twin passed the DNA testing for the father of the child . . . sheesh!!!! LOL!!!5. Jackson Pollack is one of my favorite contemporary artists.6. Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress.7. Will Smith is currently my favorite actor.8. My dear, departed, daddy taught me to back into our driveway because we lived on a very busy street and it was too difficult to back out into it.9. My dear, departed, mother once found out that dh#2 was doing the laundry while I was on the phone with her and said . . . YOU JUST TELL THAT DH#2 . . . I'M GLAD HE MARRIED MY DAUGHTER!10. I'm grateful that my dear, departed, daddy MADE me go to college!!! LOL!!!!Here are the 7 people I am sending this award. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!1. Linda Cameron2. Cory3. Claudine Hellmuth4. Nancy Curry5. Mary Jo McGraw6. Judi Watanabe7. Traci Bautista
I joined a creative and fun group . . . Altered Books . . . where the owner is having a big birthday bash swap . . . here is my submission . . . the Audrey image is from Stampsmith . . . if you email the owner, . . . she'll email you scans of her AWESOME movie star images she has on sheets of rubber stamps! They are so much fun!!!!!
How exciting it was to learn that Robin Willis nominated me for the Karma Award! Robin is upbeat and delightful and so is her art! THANK YOU, Robin!!!!
The wording for this award is as follows . . .The Karma Award: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.It is SO difficult to narrow the list down to only eight bloggers when there are so many talented and caring bloggers out there . . . I gain so much from the generosity of fellow bloggers . . .1. Tracy Kaufman2. Corinne Stubson3. Valerie Foster4. Susie Jefferson5. Veronica Stewart6. Michele7. Rebecca Clarke8. Kelly Rae RobertsCONGRATULATIONS to these talented artists/bloggers!!!!!!